Hello! This is just my cv, somewhere there are links from my Apps in stores and other legal services
 Pavel A. Kuzmin 
Software Developer / Full Stack
[email protected] linkedin.com/in/pavelkuzmin github.com/mpakunderscore
I'm a Software Developer with a strong focus on web and mobile development, experienced in React, Node, Capacitor, TypeScript. My passion for problem-solving and dedication to continuous learning have led me to work on diverse projects in various industries. I'm enthusiastic about human-computer interaction, BCI and AI. Always open to new challenges and opportunities, feel free to connect with me.
Skills: React, Node, Postgres, Capacitor, TypeScript, HTML, CSS
Red Forest:
(August 2023 — Now)
Founder TypeScript, React, Node, Android, iOS
Enecuum (remote):
(September 2020 — April 2023)
Software Engineer Development (mobile and web) TypeScript, JavaScript, Kotlin, React, Node
Red Crown (contract):
(February 2019 — 2020)
Software Engineer Mobile development JavaScript, React Native
QuestFactory (friends):
(March 2017 — October 2018)
Software Engineer Mobile applications, websites, utilities for raspberry, escape game server Java, Android, JS, Node, Electron, Raspberry Pi
Smart Media Systems:
(January 2015 - August 2016)
Lead Software Engineer (small team) Media content distribution system, media server Project management, Development Java, Spring, JS, Angular, Android
(February 2013 - August 2014)
Software Engineer Code analysis tool for searching vulnerabilities in SAP programs Java
Digital Security:
(September 2011 - February 2013)
Software Engineer Development of tools for searching vulnerabilities in SAP Java
Digital Entertainment:
(January 2011 - September 2011)
Software Developer Several web apps and games Java backend
Gamedev startups:
(December 2009 - January 2011)
Game Developer Server-side programming, billing Java backend, PHP backend
Non-programming jobs:
(November 2006 - April 2008)
Two works related to servers administration, assembling and other stuff like this Linux, FreeBSD, LAN
Interests: Human–computer interaction, Problem solving, BCI Travel, Music, Snowboarding, Enduro
There is two cookbook apps I made and published on producthunt.com App for stress relief that we made with group of psychologists faino.app
09.2023, mpak
PDF CV 2023